Our Future Vision
We've taken the first steps in trying to achieve something great! We believe in transparancy and setting a vision to aim for. Outlined below is a road map for where we're headed and how you could be included in that! We believe in working with our community and building into something great together. We want as many people to be able to join us on this journey as possible!
January, 2024. Here is where we're starting. Our goal in the next 3-6 months is to sell quality products to people like you! We have much to learn and this step is the most paramount. Being a new company, we may experience some hiccups and just ask for patience as we work together to smooth any issues out. We will always strive to work with our customers to maintain healthy communication as we begin this journey together.
1-3 Months:
Begin working with Social Media. We are new at all of this! We have a vision and a direction, but the details are vast for all of these things. During this course of time, we will be exploring our options for partnering with Social Media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and more. Each platform has their own critera that must be met in order to partner with them, and some are more beginner friendly than others. Ultimately, it is our hope to establish a healthy partnership with each and every platform to bring joy and laughter attached to quality, lasting products to as many people as possible!
During this time frame, we need your help! Multiple social media platforms do not allow stock images for products that are being marketed. In lou of that, we need good photos to help advertise! To any individual who is willing to be a model for our products, please submit your interest to our email with the headline "Modeling Potential". This signals our team immediately of your interests and intent. There will be a form for you to sign stating that we can legally use your submitted photos for advertising and marketing purposes. At this stage of the game, we cannot pay people directly, but we can offer discounts on future purchases products! As a promise to build into a future together, any individual who submits material to help with marketing will also be placed at the top of our Partnership list once we've reached that stage.
3-6 Months:
To establish a plethora of products that support our goal and mission. Clothings, coffee mugs, athlectic apparel, and accessories such as shoes, sports water bottles, stationary, tote bags, and more! The idea behind this is that as an individual goes throughout their day, their eyes may momentarily glimpse one of these products and it brings just a little light, a little joy, to their day.
During this time we will always be establishing at least a quarterly newletter to stay up to date with any changes happening and general promotions! At this point, to anyone on our Partnership List, we will begin to give monthly updates on how close we are to beginning to establish a Partnership Program. To be transparent, in order to begin our Partnership Program, we have to hit the mile stone of an average of $6,000 in monthly revenue. This will enable us to bring on full-time staff to constantly work with our Partners!
6-9 Months:
Establish a training/partnership program and finish breaking into most Social Media platforms to market and advertise. Some social media platforms require a website's URL to be at least 9 months old. At the very cusp of 9 months we will be able to be on most social media platforms.
For the Partnership Program, the details will be finalized and beginning with the first modeling contributer and the most modeling contributer and running down the list untill there is a team of 5-7 individuals. These contributors will be brought on board if they'd like and have free reign of creating their own products within their own collection and priced and their own points, all with guidance of course! Partnering together, our side of house will handle setting everything up on our website with your own collection and advertising. We work together and give you feed back on prices, products, and trends to maximize your income potential, all while you only need provide designs on products and provide your input for how you'd like your advertising to look. This allows you to maximze your creative potential and begin having income of your own! Some terms will apply such as a small split in revenue, but we believe that whoever designs the products should recieve the majority of the profits.
1+ Year:
Have our Partnership Program in full swing! At this point and beyond, once our partners have established collections of their own, have exceeded a certain amout of products and revenue, we will help you launch your own website to take your collection, revenue, and life completely into your own hands! As a community, we don't believe in any one person being above the rest; we believe in empowering individuals to move forward and build towards their own dreams and goals! Once your own business and website is established, you're more than welcome to reach out to us to help facilitate your growth!
Together we believe that we can help people's live in more than just the enjoyment that our products bring, we believe we can help enrich your life through helping you grow and reach higher potentials of income. Welcome aboard!